how to get a girlfriend

Read more about how to find girlfriend here.

For instance, if you know that you want to say, “Sarah, I just really like spending time with you and I want you to be my girlfriend,” it can help guide your conversation. To get a girlfriend in middle school, make her notice you by chatting to friends before class, which shows you’re a sociable and likable person. During class, answer a few questions to show that you’re smart. If you’re sitting next to her, try making small talk, like asking her if she’s ready for the test.

Present her with a concrete plan she can’t refuse. You really want to make her your girlfriend, so much so, in fact, that you start to get nervous and insecure around her. And you start to feel a little possessive. Just 20 proven steps you can start using right now to attract the girl you like and make her your girlfriend.

If you settle too quickly you WILL revert back to your older self and you WILL lose the girl and then have to start all over again. T his rule is here because, and this is coming from my real experiences as a nice guy, we tend to judge couples all too often when we feel like we can not get a girlfriend. Call or text the girl you are interested in within one to three days. If you contact her right away she might feel stifled.

At a university, you have the freedom to go where you please and create your own schedule without anyone telling you what to do. If you have never had a girlfriend, this is a great time to start dating.

For example, you could say “I always have a lot of fun talking to you like this. We get along pretty well, don’t you think?

Ryan Gosling? Brad Pitt? Yeah, sure, they’re attractive guys, but they sweat confidence. Confidence shows you’re emotionally stable, you know what you want, and you know who you are. If you’re wondering how you can be more confident, start by doing things that make you feel good and start to convey a positive outlook on life.

  • Women want men who feel like they are the choosers — men who select the women they want in their life.
  • Yes, that can work with some women, but with most attractive women that you meet, their dream is to be able to meet a guy who makes them feel like they need to live up to his expectations.
  • When you find a girl who interests you, ask her to go on a date.
  • You can ask her with confidence by using a few strategies.

If you’ve built a great friendship with her, asking her to be your girlfriend will come easily. You can also try to figure out if she’s interested in being your girlfriend before you ask her so you can do it with confidence. When it comes time to pop the question itself, choosing the right setting, waiting for the right moment, and conveying how you feel clearly and directly will make the job much easier.

How attraction and attracting women really works. Don’t miss this exclusive unique look at how to get any woman to feel it for for you.

7. How to Talk to Girls

#8 Be a good listener. This is essential. Everyone likes having someone to talk to, especially women.


Alternatively, if she turns you down, accept her answer gracefully by thanking her for her honesty. Whether you’ve been casually dating, exchanging flirty messages, or hanging out only as friends, asking a girl to be your girlfriend can be a nerve-wracking experience. But it doesn’t have to be! You can ask her with confidence by using a few strategies.

It’s a lot easier than you think – so stop thinking so much and start DOING what it takes because the answer you seek is right here. This rule is here to make sure you don’t just settle for that first girl. To assure you’re not chasing anymore. To assure you WILL be ready when the time and the right woman comes along. Part of this “prep work” is to lay the foundation for a lifetime of success with women.