tna board review

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I recently decided to give the TNA Board a try. If you’re not familiar with what this is, it’s a forum or public board that reviews local girls.

Here’s where things get a little clumsy. On any other American escort site, the States break down further into Cities or at least major metropolitan areas. Instead, the State listings here are broken down into post about Providers, Fetish, LMA and LMS, Weekend, Reviews, ISO, and Discussions. These categories are all well and good, but American states are fucking big. While TNABoard’s setup would work just fine for browsing sluts in a bunch of little European countries, Americans would benefit enormously from just one more level of geographic specificity.

If they send me a PM, have a good amount of vouches, a board presence, reviews, and no alerts then that’s basically enough for me to see them. Granted I’ll also run their phone number through a blacklist and they have to know how to talk to me. But in general TNA is pretty convenient when clients have a good board presence.

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But Alisa Bernard, who calls herself a prostitution survivor turned activist, said she believes review sites don’t make things safer for sex workers. She used to work through “The Review Board” in the Seattle area. Jenna, sounds like you are really an advocate of the TNA Board.

  • Wait, hold on.
  • The Wrong Format for Picking Up Lot Lizards I wonder if all of TNABoard’s issues stem from the fact that the whole thing is set up like a bulletin board instead of a massive, well-organized and searchable list of escorts like you get on other sites.
  • Which is why I’ve published your comment.
  • If the client provides me with other info (phone number, email, actual name, etc) I’ll run it through the blacklists, but often I’m working off board information only.
  • There are listings here for a huge number of locations, including Colorado, Arizona and even Alaska!
  • Granted I’ll also run their phone number through a blacklist and they have to know how to talk to me.

If I’m being honest, the main reason to avoid using TNA Board to pay for sex is that it’s against the law to pay for sex. If you really had your heart set on it, wouldn’t you go to a site that had a large selection of girls to choose from?

I’ve been doing things this way for seven years and haven’t had a major problem with any client so far. Prostitution review websites are a prolific corner of the illicit online sex trade. Major websites, like TnA Review and The Erotic Review, cover nearly every city in the United States; each location has its own local customer reviews and often, escort ads. While these websites operate across the country, not all of these online communities agree to meet in person—something that made the Seattle case especially unique. I’m confirming that I 100% do not agree with what TNA Board does and why they exist.

Which is why I’ve published your comment. However, I just don’t see the need for it knowing how there are so many better sites out there and ones that cost next to nothing to join (in fact, most are 100% free). Again, no offense but TNA is just not for me and I’m sharing my thoughts. The first thing you need to know is that if you head down to sections 6 of the TOS, you’ll learn that the company admits to having no control over the links and advertisements being posted at TNA Board.

I have navigated a lot of boards like this and I was able to spot all the reasons why the TNA Board is not legit, and why it’s not a safe site to navigate. Many reasons can be found in their terms. I have all the detailed reasons listed for you below.

I’ll just get right into things here. There are various reasons why I suggest avoiding the use of the TNA Board.

I misread the site’s name. This is actually TNABoard. It has nothing to do with the TSA, but you can still use it to get your package groped by a firm, leather-clad hand.

TNA Board employs SSL encryption, which adds to the safety of the users. However, much of the responsibility for security lies on the TNAboard users. Don’t share your sensitive information or post real photos of yourself if you don’t want them to end up on a third party website with negative consequences. If you are a TNA Board hobbyist, using the website is available to you for free. You can sign up, browse the ads, take part in the discussions, and access other website features without a registration.